AI公寓:虚拟证言 Trainer Fling more than +28 options.
Game Name: AI公寓:虚拟证言
Developer: IntelliPlay
Publisher: IntelliPlay
Category: Simulation
Information About the Game: 《虚拟证言》是一款AI剧本杀游戏。在游戏中,您将扮演一位侦探,前往六号公寓调查一起谋杀案件,案件的嫌疑人是5位AI-NPC。侦探需要搜集房间中的线索,联想案件经过,盘问嫌疑人获取案件的相关信息,复盘出完整的案发过程,找出真凶!
AI公寓:虚拟证言 Trainer Details
The Fling Trainer crew meticulously developed this trainer, bringing together a group of committed volunteers renowned for creating trainers for various games. The estimated size of our trainer stands at approximately 54 MB. Continuously striving to improve the software, the xFling team will consistently update it on our online platform to ensure the best user experience.
AI公寓:虚拟证言 Trainer How To Install
The trainer offers +3 functions (compatible with all versions) and will be updated soon.
Currently, it includes only 3 features:
Press F1 for Auto Skills.
Press F2 for Enemy Finder.
Press F3 for Auto Skill Update.
Unrar the archive and launch the trainer. It’s recommended to disable Windows Defender, and you can check the virus total result at this link.