电子心理治疗:愈见群岛 Trainer Fling more than +28 options.
Game Name: 电子心理治疗:愈见群岛
Developer: Daotuan Wang
Publisher: Daotuan Wang
Category: Casual, Indie
Information About the Game: 【心理数字疗法】自行疗愈心理创伤,缓解焦虑、抑郁情绪。开发团队来自北师大心理大佬与中科院心理所博士。游戏采用EMDR训练的游戏化设计,宛如一座通往快乐天堂的奇幻乐园,每次交互都是心灵净化之旅,每段旅程都疗愈创伤。无论环境如何变化,让我们一起维系心理健康吧!
电子心理治疗:愈见群岛 Trainer Details
Presented by an anonymous team of volunteers, this creation comes without an official page. However, you can easily report any issues you encounter by leaving comments on flingmod.net. Furthermore, feel free to explore our Fling Trainer category or utilize our site’s search feature to discover additional game trainers.
电子心理治疗:愈见群岛 Trainer How To Install
Carry out the installation by unpacking the compressed archive, launching the Trainer application, and clicking the game icon to start the game. Access the configuration settings effortlessly by pressing the assigned function key, like F9. Prior to launching the trainer, it’s recommended to deactivate Windows Defender for a smoother experience.